Here, we collect links to stories about us that can be found on the net.

Perswijn 6/2022

Recomended wines: Dutch Sparkling
starting at 8:00 minutes (Dutch)

Omroep Flevoland 4/2022 4/2022

Nerderlands Wijngilde 9/2021

In Via Gustum Podcast 6/2021

Perswijn 4/2021

Recommended Dutch wines
from 4:40 (Dutch) Lifestyleblog 12/2020

Originalverkorkt Podcast 12/2020

Blindflug Podcast 11/2020

Salty ground and small numbers
last 10 minutes (German)

Le Club & SommelJJ Podcast 10/2020

N.O.M.O.H. 10/2020

Omroep Flevoland 9/2020

Province Flevoland 11/2019

Omroep Flevoland 7/2018

Omroep Flevoland 4/2018